Nft Box Game

Red Expanse

Duration of active game:>>>>>>>

Nft Box Game

Contract: 0xd7ddC05e3C9D557cEF535C28D4BB80df3D6d414c

It is a contest-type game, where at regular intervals, we will compete with NFTs in which a winner is automatically and randomly selected through the platform.

How to participate?

When the contest starts, the platform activates, and you can purchase as many tickets as you want. The more tickets you acquire, the higher the probability of winning. This will have a duration, and upon completion, the winner is randomly chosen through the same system. The selected winner (one of the participant addresses is randomly chosen) receives the NFT through an automatic transfer from the system.

Which NFTs are eligible for the contest?

In this game, we can compete with virtually any ERC721-type NFT, but we will have a contract that contains official NFTs from this game.

What options do I have if I win one of the official NFTs?

Upon winning one of the official NFTs, we provide various options for what you can do with that NFT:

1- You can exchange that NFT for a percentage of the proceeds from the contest. In this case, the contest administrator announces the percentage and the time for the exchange. You can exchange the NFT with the Saving administrator. For example, if the collection is 100 EXP, and the administrator announced that the winner can exchange for 40%, you transfer the NFT to the administrator, and the administrator transfers 40 EXP to you.

2- You have the option to stake to earn CVS tokens, which you can put into staking to earn SVIT in the Farm Villa.

3- You can trade on an NFT market.